Built Intelligence R&D Tax Relief Case Study

With help from GrantTree’s R&D Tax experts, construction education leaders Built Intelligence secured a substantial, double-year claim that fuelled growth.

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Delivering online construction education through a best-in-class platform

Built Intelligence provides a contract management solution for the construction industry. Its market-leading SaaS platform, together with its e-learning academy and industry community support forum, provides a unique way for construction professionals to better manage their contracts whilst upskilling and supporting their teams.

Built Intelligence needed support in preparing a double-year R&D Tax Relief claim. They chose GrantTree because they wanted to work with a more established provider capable of preparing a robust submission which optimised the R&D relief available. Built Intelligence’s substantial R&D tax windfall helped the company fund continued investment into its product as well as supporting its ongoing growth of the wider business.

Over £300,000

In R&D Tax Relief secured for Built Intelligence

Rapid Payout

Cash funding came through in just one week

Seamless and Time-Efficient

By integrating with the company’s systems

Identifying all eligible expenditure

With Built Intelligence’s claim covering two accounting periods, CFO Laura Parsonage wanted a provider with the technical expertise to ensure the company was claiming for all eligible expenditure. GrantTree’s technical consultants worked closely with the company’s CTO to identify all of the company’s qualifying projects while steering clear of routine, unqualifying activity.

Instilling claim confidence

Built Intelligence chose GrantTree because it knew the claims we prepared would be extremely robust, minimising the company’s chance of facing an HMRC enquiry. Laura said: “The thoroughness with which they approached both the technical and financial aspects of our claim gave us the reassurance we would meet all of HMRC’s legislative requirements.”

Seamless claim experience

GrantTree integrated with Built Intelligence’s internal accounting system, allowing our financial consultants to extract the necessary financial data directly, saving the company time. Our clear process kept claim preparation moving at pace, avoiding unnecessary pressure or anxiety about the two-year submission deadline. Laura said: “GrantTree’s management of the claim preparation process was excellent. Their clear and straightforward process ensured we submitted our claim well before the deadline.”

What Built Intelligence said…

“GrantTree’s R&D Tax Relief service is first-rate. It is efficient and compliance-focused, but, at the same, looks to optimise any claim through a detailed understanding of our technical projects. They are the perfect partner during this uncertain time for the R&D Tax scheme.”
Laura Parsonage, CFO of Built Intelligence
Laura Parsonage

Expert support for your claim

Looking for help on your upcoming R&D Tax claim? GrantTree’s specialists are standing by. Just leave us a message, and we’ll be right with you.